Kristy Keller

Kristy Keller

BiographyKristy Keller has provided direct service to displaced families since 2009.  With experience in program management, service development and evaluation, Ms. Keller received an MA in Applied Anthropology in 2013 from San Jose State University. In graduate school, Kristy partnered with fellow students to study different sites of the Occupy Movement. Together, they produced an ethnographic pamphlet, “Occupying…

Amelia Jamison

Amelia Jamison

 Biography Amelia Jamison is a graduate student and researcher at the University of Maryland. Her research interests are broadly focused on the intersections of applied anthropology and public health, with a specific focus on health disparities in infectious disease. Having completing her M.A.A. in Applied Anthropology in 2014, she is currently pursing an M.P.H. in Epidemiology…

Laurel Dillon-Sumner

Laurel Dillon-Sumner

 BiographyLaurel is a qualitative researcher, currently employed as a Research Coordinator with the University of Washington in Seattle. In this role she supports several research projects related to cancer prevention and control, working closely with interdisciplinary teams based in the Department of Health Services and representatives from the Department of Health, Veterans Administration, and elsewhere….

NAPA Career Profiles: Suzanne Hanchett from Planned Alternatives for Change LLC

NAPA Career Profiles: Suzanne Hanchett from Planned Alternatives for Change LLC

Suzanne Hanchett considers herself to have had four careers, spanning over the course of the last 40 years. Starting out as an academic anthropologist after receiving her Ph.D. from Columbia in 1970, she found herself denied tenure after 9 years of teaching, leaving her “casting about” as she considered her next career move. “The reasons…